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All poets wanted to be astronauts first
but the world was too real
and the universe too gaseous
to pierce it with their misery
All poets wanted to have telescopes
that would reveal fantasy is something
that feels its way through the void
All poets pointed to the stars
and named the constellations
in places that don’t exist
All poets wanted to travel at the speed of light
hide in the Orion Nebula
get swallowed by black holes
and declare that God isn’t an old man in heaven
because heaven is a silly version
of the vastness of the universe
of immensity
and of eternity
All poets wanted to count down
and take off to the vast unknown
The unknown took them off
and now they write brief letters to their beloved fantasy
to their astral travels
The black holes did swallow them
but their bodies show the contrary
The bodies stayed inhabiting this earth
this life
these cities
these paths of reality
the black holes sucked them
and left them in return
minds that yearn for a return to nothing
Yes, they are hidden in the nebula
the one of Orion
the one of dreams
the one of dawns
the nebula that gives off its own body
They use poems, yes, they use them
They name the world, yes, they name it
They count down
and what comes up are letters
and small pieces that emerge from the days
those snippets may well be
breadcrumbs that signal the return
the longed-for return.