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Nevertheless, that hand on the table which no one could see helped me serve them at lengthy meals, the servants prattled away of course, a heap of rumours piled up in the corners, and the charwomen seized the chance to steal the candle remains, extending the black house along the entire road, afterwards we placed the coffin on two trestles, while on the wall the plaster mask, in an imperceptible but disquieting way, slowly changed as though it were alive still, but how am I to explain what happened next? someone pointed to the spilled pins on the floor as irrefutable proof of the death that was scattered all over the house, while at the same time the dead woman emerged with a triumphant smile, as though she had just learned where exactly the door was.

Tasos Leivaditis (1922-88) was born and raised in Athens, where he worked as a literary critic while also producing a rich poetic oeuvre that would win him both critical and popular renown. The prose-poem 'The Door' is taken from Leivaditis’ 1972 volume, Night Visitor, and specifically from a subsection entitled “From the Diary of a Servant,” reflecting the dark years of military dictatorship in Greece (1967-74).