Samovar is published by Strange Horizons, as part of its mission to encourage and support the widest possible range of new voices and perspectives across speculative literature.
Like Strange Horizons, Samovar aims to provide content to our readers free of charge while still paying our contributors professional rates, and we want to do all of the above while remaining volunteer-staffed and without being dependent on advertisers or corporate interests.
In short, Strange Horizons and Samovar rely on your donations in order to stay in business.
Donating to Samovar is easy!
You can support Strange Horizons and Samovar together through the Strange Horizons page on Patreon:
Alternatively, if you would prefer to make a dedicated donation to Samovar, click the link below to send us a donation through Network for Good, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping other nonprofit organizations with online donations.
If you'd rather donate through PayPal, click this link:
Or send a check or money order to our post office address:
- Strange Horizons, Inc.
P.O. Box 1693
Dubuque, IA 52004-1693
Again, you can mark these donations as specific to Samovar.
Where your money goes
- Your $40 donation pays for one review-essay
- Your $80 donation pays for one translated poem.
- Your $200 donation pays for one reprinted story.
- Your $500 donation pays for one newly translated.
- Your $900 donation pays for an entire issue of Samovar.
Tax Exemption
Strange Horizons has received 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, which means that contributions to Strange Horizons are tax-deductible in the U.S.