In this issue, encounters with beings both supernatural and mechanical, and a translation of a nineteenth century classic of South American modernism.
A sense came over me on the bus ride back from town that something was off. It was early fall. The plants all through the mountains were brittle and crunchy, and they trembled in a brisk breeze that carried with it the smells of rice paddies. The fields were a brilliant gold.
驶回郊区的大巴上,我开始觉得情形不太对劲。时值 初秋,满山草木松脆,凉风中有稻香浮动。田野金灿灿的, 耀人眼目。
Balthasar navigated the vélocipède around a hole in the road as he cycled past Miss Edith’s house. He concentrated hard on not looking at the curtained windows for a glimpse of her silhouette. The big wheel wobbled as he oversteered.
Balthasar navigeerde de vélocipède om een gat in de weg terwijl hij langs het huis van Fräulein Edith reed. Hij concentreerde zich om niet naar de ramen te kijken. Hij wilde niets liever dan een glimp opvangen van haar silhouet achter de gordijnen. Het grote wiel wiebelde toen hij teveel stuurde.
I called out once to the vision/ and she came to me./ And she was pale and sad, and her pupils/ burned like martyrs at the stake.
Llamé una vez a la visión / y vino. Y era pálida y triste, y sus pupilas/ ardían como hogueras de martirios.
I was able to embellish in my (uni-)verse/ All that you and I had ever shared./ Your complexion and fragrance, beauty and virtue