Table of Contents | 26 June 2023
In this issue we explore memories lost and found, with stories and a poem encompassing the past and the future; about getting trapped in time; trying to reclaim it, and trying to escape it.
By: Elena Pavlova
Translated by: Elena Pavlova
Translated by: Desislava Sivilova
She's old and she tattoos only things of the past. Her license is the oldest one. Her parlor is old, too, in the dead center of the ethnographic quarter.
Тя е стара и татуира само стари неща. Лицензът ѝ е от най-старите. И студиото ѝ е старо, в етнографския квартал. 
The expedition to Suwałki didn’t exactly work out. It didn’t pay off and it was morally detrimental. Expenses will need to be calculated. They might have saved a few euros, yes, but right now there was little motivation to assess the balance.
Ekspedicija į Suvalkus nepavyko. Neatsipirko dėl pinigų ir pakenkė moraliai. Pinigus, tiesa, dar reikia suskaičiuoti – gal koks vienas kitas euras ir prisidėjo, bet noro skaičiuoti balansą nebuvo.
By: Anna Griva
Translated by: Erofili Papadogia
He gazed up at the sky/ and was certain/ that the Stagirian/ was correct
Κοιτούσε τον ουρανό/ κι ήταν βέβαιος/ ότι είχε δίκιο ο Σταγειρίτης
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