In this issue, two very strange living spaces bring their own monsters, and stepping into the light reveals hidden fears.
He has a big head, like a horse, pale, it looks like a rubber mask. His cheeks go wide, flashing his yellow teeth. He has a tender face, eyes green like absinth, longish, unexpectedly pointy nose.
Nagy, sápadt lófeje olyan, mint egy gumimaszk, pofája széthúzódik, elővillannak horpadt, sárga fogai. Kedves arca van, abszintzöld szeme, hosszúkás, váratlanul hegyes orra.
For as far as his memory could take him back in time, these small animals were always a permanent presence in that house and therefore in his life.
Per quanto riusciva a risalire all’indietro nel tempo con la memoria, la presenza di quegli animaletti era da sempre una costante, in quella casa, e quindi nella sua vita.
That first step into the light will cost you—/ finding out the show started without you:
C’est le premier pas dans la lumière qui coûte/ et savoir que tout a déjà commencé sans toi :