In this issue of Samovar we find hauntings in places both familiar and unfamiliar, strange transformations, and sacrifice. What's on the other side of the door? Come with us to find out.
What was I afraid of? Losing Shurik. Nothing could be more terrifying. What was Shurik afraid of? Of the monsters that live under the bed and in the pipes when his mother is nowhere to be found. An empty apartment in the evening.
Чего боюсь я? Потерять Шурика. Ничего не может быть страшнее. Чего боится Шурик? А Шурик боится чудовищ, которые живут под кроватью и в канализации, а возможно, даже в кухонных шкафах.
There is a moment in every person’s life in which the features of their face take on an indefinite air; they become a hodgepodge of blurry lines, unsure which direction to take, a suspended confusion between what is not and what is yet to be.
C'è un momento, nella vita di ogni essere umano, in cui i tratti del volto assumono un'aria indefinita; diventano un guazzabuglio di linee poco marcate, indecise sulla direzione da prendere, una confusione sospesa tra ciò che non è più e ciò che deve ancora diventare.
That night the darkness was stifling and sultry with lust/ and the cornflowers, illuminated by dry lightning/ seeped suddenly into the eyes of the deer.
Tej nocy mrok był duszny i od żądzy parny/ I chabry, rozwidnione suchą błyskawicą/ Przedostały się nagle do oczu tej sarny.